Friday, 28 April 2017

Code Club Term Two

We are one term down and excited to be starting Term Two and our second term of coding next week. This term our Friday lunchtime groups will be split in to three groups, as our numbers are so large, Kākano - Scratch Jnr on iPads, Paiaka - Scratch Jnr on iPads and Tumu/Kaupeka Scratch Module One/Two. Our Tuesday after school group will also spilt in to three groups, Paiaka - Scratch Jnr on iPads, Tumu/Kaupeka - Scratch Module One and Tumu/Kaupeka - Scratch Module Two.

It's not too late to join! If you are or your child is a student at St Francis of Assisi School and would like to join please email

We are so lucky @stfrancischch that we are able to offer Code Club to so many students. The reason we are able to do this is because we have so many teachers willing to give up lunchtimes and after school to help run the  clubs.

This is a great sketchnote from Sylvia Duckworth and Brian Aspinall on why we offer students the opportunity to code #thisiswhywecode.

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